You’d like to know once and for all how a FREITAG bag is made and what our factory looks like from the inside? Then you’ve come to the right place.
Regular factory tours give visitors an insight into FREITAG bag production and show school classes, clubs and other interested parties how truck tarps leave the road behind them to become bags. Various members of the F-Crew from all sections of the company give regular tours of our headquarters at the Nœrd industrial complex.
We charge a small fee for tours to help cover costs. In 2022, 98 tours gave over 1900 visitors an insight into the way we think and act. This was an increase of 107% over the previous year and exceeded pre-Corona pandemic figures.
To obtain feedback from participants and improve future service quality, we carry out an automated survey after the tours.
If you prefer to come alone, there’s no need to register: Simply show up at the Nœrd Store at 2 pm on the first Wednesday of the month and with one to one-and-a-half hours to spare. You can check in and start the tour with other people who’ve likewise come on impulse.
Cost: CHF 20. The tour is free for children up to and including 12 years.
The tour takes place in English or German, or both if necessary, at the same time.
Occasionally, we also offer themed factory tours in conjunction with an event or a particular topic. You can find an overview of scheduled tours here and register directly:
Currently, we have no themed tours scheduled.
You can book a Factory tour for 10 to 25 people using the form below. The tour takes between 60 and 90 minutes and is available in English, French, German or Italian.
Cost: CHF 250
Never more than that, sometimes less, payable directly at the Nœrd store by card or Twint.
We've used various initiatives and campaigns to communicate our beliefs and attitudes.
We encourage dialogue with like-minded brands and potential partners because you can’t close cycles single-handedly.
You’d like to know once and for all how a FREITAG bag is made and what our factory looks like from the inside? Then you’ve come to the right place.
Here’s a deep insight into the FREITAG philosophy and its production, design and organization principles.
This is the place to find new versions of old FREITAG models for all F-ederation members.